Haberler :::
ILC Hosts Movie Day Featuring Inside Out 2!
PDU: Student Centered Classes
ILC Hosts First Movie Day of Spring 1 Term!
Prompt Engineering for Effective AI Output & Determining Appropriate Generative AI Tools
"Mindfulness for Exam Stress" in ILC
Demo Speaking Exams
Trivia Fun for Elementary Students!
Coffee Talk on Artificial Intelligence Sparks Interest Among Prep Students
Looking Through The Kaleidoscope: Building a Positive Classroom Culture
Speaking Club Event at the School of Foreign Languages!
Professional Development session on Wellbeing
3. Ege Bölgesi YDY Sempozyumu
ILC Coffee Talk: "Real Life English Expressions and Idioms"
A visit to Manisa Celal Bayar University School of Foreign Languages
PDU Session, Writing clear objectives
Erasmus Days in Lisbon
PDU- Maximising Learning Opportunities Through Clear Instructions, Modelling and More
ILC- How To Study Vocabulary
ILC Speaking Club
ILC Coffee Talk
Toplam 52
Okunma Sayısına Göre Haberler :::
Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dekanı Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Müdürü Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İrfan Arık’ı ziyaret etti.
İKCUSFL Advisory Board Meeting
2023-2024 Akademik Kurul Toplantısı
Administrators of Schools of Foreign Languages Met at MSKÜ
Demo Speaking Exams
"Mindfulness for Exam Stress" in ILC
ILC Coffee Talk: "Real Life English Expressions and Idioms"
Erasmus Days in Lisbon
2024-2025 Akademik Kurul Toplantısı
3. Ege Bölgesi YDY Sempozyumu
Trivia Fun for Elementary Students!
Speaking Club Event at the School of Foreign Languages!
PDU Session, Writing clear objectives
A visit to Manisa Celal Bayar University School of Foreign Languages
Coffee Talk on Artificial Intelligence Sparks Interest Among Prep Students
ILC Speaking Club
2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Kalite Güvencesi Çalışmaları